Top 10 chores for 10-12 year old boys and girls

Giving your kids responsibilities and linking them to pocket money is another way to teach your kids the value of money. And this is one of the important functions that we built into the FLX prepaid Mastercard and savings app.

But before we list the top 10 chore ideas, here’s a tip about how to ask kids to do chores.

For one-off chore requests, rather than asking your child to do something, ask them if they would rather do thing A, or thing B. Then let them choose. It’s called the yes-yes method.

In other words, when you say to your child:

“Honey, can you please unload the dishwasher,” your child may well be thinking: “…or NOT”

But when you ask your child:

“Honey, would you rather unload the dishwasher or walk the dog,” they think: “Obviously I’d rather unload the dishwasher – it’s raining.”

For extra points you can say back: “Perfect… Would you like to unload the dishwasher now …or in 10 minutes?”

Maybe you can try the yes-yes method this week if you have a one-off chore request.

When it comes to regular chores, parents here at Flexischools mostly use a weekly checklist with check in at the end of each week (perhaps with some gentle reminders along the way).

And the most common location for the checklist is – you guessed it! – the fridge door.

Would this list make your fridge door?

Top chores for 10-12 year old boys and girls

  1. Wash the dishes (10 mins)

  2. Unload the dishwasher (5 mins)

  3. Set the table for dinner (3 mins)

  4. Wash the car (20 mins)

  5. Vacuum inside car (15 mins)

  6. Feed dog or cat (3 mins)

  7. Walk dog (15 mins)

  8. Hang washing on line (10 mins)

  9. Tidy bedroom / Make bed (5 mins)

  10. Pack lunch box and/or school bag (2 mins)

(source: The Flexischools team)

Of course, it’s a nice idea to be encouraging and thank them when they complete a chore. And if they do their chores as agreed, you may want to link that great behaviour right back to their pocket money or allowance.

FLX might be able to help. The new prepaid Mastercard® and savings app for kids lets you organise pocket money with ease using your existing Flexischools account. And you will be pleasantly surprised to see the chores getting done once they can see the allowance in their FLX account.

You should consider the PDS and TMD before deciding if FLX is right for you. Any advice we provide is general in nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of any advice we provide before acting on it. FLX & Flexischools are provided by InLoop Pty Ltd ABN 27 114 508 771 AFSL 471558 (trading as Flexischools). The FLX Prepaid Mastercard is issued by EML Payment Solutions Limited ABN 30 131 436 532 AFSL 404131 pursuant to license by Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. Mastercard the circles design and Tap & go™ are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, Apple Watch, Face ID and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. To set up Apple Pay, customers will need to have a compatible card, device and a full Apple iCloud account, the minimum age for an iCloud account is 13.


The pros and cons of pocket money